IPL Limelight (Intense Pulse Light)

IPL Limelight (Intense Pulse Light)

Cutera’s IPL LimeLight delivers a non-invasive light treatment that can be customised for different skin tones and aging conditions, resulting in an exceptional skin revitalisation treatment with minimal to moderate discomfort. LimeLight also balances colour and improves the complexion.

Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) is a modern cosmetic procedure and a form of light-based photo therapy. A beam of many different wavelengths of light is absorbed into targeted skin cells to repair damage and breakdown accumulated spots of melanin, such as pigmentation, and targeting haemoglobin in the skin known as redness in the skin or broken capillaries. IPL also stimulates new collagen production, helping to firm the skin and reduce pore size. This helps result in a brighter and more even skin tone.

IPL Rejuvenation

60min $220

Ageing, Pigmentation, Vascular, Acne

Add on: Hands or Neck $150, Decolletage $200